Ep015: Goodbye David Bowie, The World's Most Valuable Record & Interview with Kevin Donan
This week we say goodbye to one of our heroes David Bowie and talk about the lack of copies of his last LP "Black Star" there are on the market. We also tell the tale of the record John Lennon, Paul McCartney & George Harrison made in Liverpool before forming The Beatles and what it and various forms go for in the market (hint: it's a lot!). Also continuing the recent Record Roadtrip in Los Angeles Nate talks to a vinyl-legend Kevin Donan of the shop "As The Record Turns" in Hollywood. You need a record? Kevin will find it! Download this episode and hear his story!
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About The Vinyl Guide
If you like records, just starting a collection or are an uber-nerd with a house-full of vinyl, this is the podcast for you. Nate Goyer is The Vinyl Guide and discusses all things music and record-related.
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